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Baptiste Patrizia Marko in Rome

The promotion of an important book “Marcel Marceau the Poetics of Gesture” by Italyan author PatriziaIovine took place on July 7th at the Great Hall (Aula Magna) of the John Cabot University in Rome.

After almost three years of waiting “Marcel Marceau La Poeatica del Gesto” (Europa Edizioni 2015) was finally translated into English, printed and presented to the world in 2018 by CasadeiLibriEdiotore.
PatriziaIovine is not a mime artist, she is a journalist and and writer with a degree with honors in Modern Literature that she obtainedat the University of La Sapienza in Rome with a thesis on the theater of gestures.
She is a true storyteller that managed to tell a story of history of mime and theatre by telling a story about the great Marcel Marceau. Her book “Marcel Marceau the Poetics of Gesture” is a mélange of historical and theatrical facts with her interviews with Marcel Marceau and her impressions and emotions for the grand master of the art of silence. It is a book about the art that everyone thinks died with the artist, a book of hope showing us that a legacy of one artist can help one whole art survive. A great read and a must in every theatrical library.

Conference 01

Patrizia is full of energy like a child which is a main trait of artists, she is modest and humble not realizing the importance of her writing but there were guest lecturers and full house to remind her.
Special guest was Baptiste Marceau a son of late Marcel Marceau, a person of great philosophical and body movement knowledge as he is a yoga master and was very close with his father especially in his last days.

Conference 03

Professor Emeritus FerruccioMarotti from the University of La Sapienza and a person that wrote a preface for the book “Marcel Marceau the Poetics of Gesture”.
Maximilian Nisi a famous Italian theatre actor and former student of Marcel Marceau.
Jane Pasquarella who translated the book into English with special devotion.

Marko Jane Baptiste Patrizia Maximilian after the conference

I was fortunate to be in that company of knowledgeable people as I was invited by Patrizia to speak about mime, maître Marceau and the World Mime Organisation.
The lectures were “interrupted” by videos and slideshows of Marcel Marceau accompanied live by two wonderful musiciansAdalbertoMuzzi on the violin and Antonio Sommese on the piano.

The Book

It was a great afternoon in Rome that World Mime Organisation will try to share with you through photos and videos from the conference/promotion/lecture…
PatrziaIovine is an Official Member of the World Mime Organization for two years and just became the National WMO Coordinator for Italian Republic.


The book will be available online soon but in the mean time you can write to PatriziaIovine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., invite her for a lecture and book signature event, order a book or just stay in contact…


World Mime Day should belong to humanity but history should also remember the three initiators of this idea Marko Stojanović (Serbia) More...


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